For my first food post, it’s really going to be the type of recipe that I usually wouldn’t make. However, my boyfriend’s mom sent him this recipe for Chicken Tetrazzini from Lil Luna, and I told him I’d make it for him if he bought me the ingredients (since I’m currently waiting for my next paycheck, thankfully February is a short month).

my “big bowl” that was not big enough
While I’m not usually into creamy pasta type concoctions, I’m also certainly not going to say no a free meal and a new recipe to try (making my boyfriend happy doesn’t hurt either). The recipe was also super quick and easy. I ended up pre-making the chicken and pasta the night before, and then mixing everything together for the casserole the next day. I used penne instead of linguine, but otherwise kept the ingredients the same. The only problems I had were that my idea of a “big bowl” was certainly not on par with what Lil Luna had in mind. My boyfriend was laughing as I tried to mix the pasta/cream concoction without spilling any on the kitchen table.

pre-cheese and pre-baking

fresh out of the oven
Anyways, after the recipe was made, it tasted just fine. I personally prefer food with a little more of a kick, and reasoned that this recipe would be great with some buffalo sauce for a twist. Due to the heavy nature of this recipe (sour cream, lots of cheese, etc.) I felt obligated to put some sort of salad with dinner. However, due to my currently empty fridge, all I was left with was some spinach and a bit of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
As my boyfriend dug into the leftovers around 10 pm that night, we both came to the realization that we both preferred this recipe cold. I also mused that I’d probably like this dish better if I was eating it drunk at 12 am (because cheese, duh).
Since it makes a pretty big portion size, it’s not a bad idea to make and keep in your fridge if you’re trying to stop spending money on late night pizza, but still want something to curb your drunk cravings. I can’t promise that this dish is any healthier than a slice of pepperoni pizza, but I can promise that it’s cheap, easy, and tastes just as good cold as it does hot.