Looking for an easy vegan meal prep? Feel free to skip this block of text and get to the good stuff 🙂
In case you missed it, in the last two weeks I moved to LA and started a full-time job!
I’m definitely going to write a post on moving/my decision to take a hiatus from the digital nomad life/etc. (if you want to read about the feelings that somewhat led me to this decision, read this), but I want to make sure I have proper time to write it all out, and these past two weeks have been totally crazy and I haven’t had much time to sit down and write!
But, I did somehow have time to write a recipe for what I brought for lunch this week, so I’m sharing this with you here!
It’s a super, super simple recipe (as are most things I make for myself on the daily), but my co-worker asked for the recipe after eye-balling my lunch, so I decided to write one up all officially and send it to her.
And honestly, it was so fun to write up a little recipe! After always reading recipes, and giving cooking tips via text to friends (and more realistically, all the men I date), it was cool to write my own.
Anyway, I know everyone hates all the text on top of a recipe post, so sorry. Enjoy! (and sorry for the extremely low quality pictures—I hardly have any cooking supplies and I was not planning on making my lunch into a blog post!).

Here’s what you need:
- 2 cups rice (I use Success Boil in Bag Brown Rice)
- 12 oz. Brussels sprouts (one bag will do)
- 1 bunch Kale (~8 stalks)
- 1 can cannellini beans (although any beans in your pantry will do)
- 1 zucchini
- 1 TBS whatever sauce/dip you have in the fridge (I used Hope Foods Spicy Guacamole Hummus)
- Salt
- Pepper
- Crushed Red Pepper or Red Cayenne Pepper
- Garlic Powder
Makes about 3-4 servings
This recipe is not an exact science, so feel free to adjust amounts of whatever—it’ll still turn out good!
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees
- Line two large sheet pans with aluminum foil
- Cut Brussels sprouts in half, cut zucchini into bite size pieces, and rip up bite size pieces of kale (you can also cut them with a knife, I just always do it with my hands)
- Arrange vegetables flat (or close to flat) on the two pans, then drizzle a generous amount of olive oil evenly over both pans.
- Use your hands (or a spatula) to mix all vegetables so they’re evenly coated in oil (you can also do this part in a bowl for maximum even distribution, I just don’t like having to wash an additional dish).
- Sprinkle a generous portion of salt, pepper, red pepper, and garlic powder over all vegetables. Feel free to add any additional spices as desired.
- Cook for 15-20 minutes (you may want to check on the zucchini and take it out earlier). Remove when the kale and Brussels are slightly burnt/crispy.
- While the veggies are cooking, cook rice according to instructions on the box and open cannellini beans.
- Distribute ingredients evenly in bowls, starting with the rice as a base, then adding the Brussels sprouts, zucchini, kale, and beans. Add a dollop (or drizzle) of sauce on top. Sprinkle additional salt and pepper as needed.
Here’s the visual assembly process for your viewing pleasure…

When I first made this, I had a super tiny sheet pan in my rental apartment so I ended up making the kale and zucchini one day, then the Brussels sprouts and rice the next day, then combining it the next day. The beauty of this recipe is you can kind of mix and match!
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