Looking for no equipment workouts you can do at home? You’ve come to the right place!
Trying to keep up with your fitness routine while confined to your home is not easy, especially if you live in a tiny, city apartment and don’t have easy access to a yard, a home-gym, or any of the convenient things most of your favorite celebrities seem to have on-deck at their LA mansions.
But that’s okay, no time to be bitter. Instead, focus on what you can control—which is your fitness levels! Obviously, quarantine is probably not the time where you’re finally going to sculpt the six pack of your dreams or get that Kim K booty that your boyfriend swears is attainable from squats (yeah, right). It’s definitely not the time to beat yourself up about slacking on your fitness routine or eating a little differently than normal (cookies are great in a time of crisis!).
But, getting moving a bit can definitely help stop you from getting too stir-crazy, and it can help boost your mood when you’re feeling bummed out after scrolling Instagram for the third full hour of the day. Keeping up with your workout routine can also help you maintain a sense of normalcy, which is personally something that has been helping me during this weird time (and something that always helps me when I’m working from home, traveling somewhere new, etc.)
So, without further ramblings, here are some of my favorite no equipment workouts that you can do from home! I will also be posting an at-home, no equipment, booty routine later this week on my Instagram, so stay tuned.

Leggings: Suki Shufu
Sports Bra: Alo Yoga (BUY IT HERE)
1. The Barboza Method
This is one of my favorite not at-home workouts, and Stefanie, the founder, is live-streaming/posting YouTube videos of class during this time. I did one of her live streams at home and still was sore AF the next day. Going forward, I think the way they’re doing it is that you can sign up for a class like you normally would (through Classpass, etc.) and then you’ll get sent the YouTube link.
Yes, it costs money, but this is an independent studio and a woman-run business so it’s a good small business to support (while getting a rockin’ bod) if you can!
The Barboza Method focuses on toning and strengthening with bodyweight exercises, all done on the floor. It’s sort of like a combination of barre and Pilates, but in my opinion it doesn’t really compare to anything else I’ve tried. The first time I went to class, my entire lower ab region was sore for a week. It’s also great for posture, which reminds me of what Stefanie says after each class:
“Remember, this class is not about what you did in this hour, it’s about what you will bring from this class to your other classes and daily life. And what do you we do in our daily life? We walk.”
Besides a mat, you don’t need any equipment (although having a mirror or a wall to use for alignment may help).
2. Nike Training App
I’ve had this app on my phone for forever, and it’s got decent options whether you have access to a gym or not. Although personally I found the workouts harder a few years back before they updated the app, it’s possible this is because now they have premium workouts that you have to pay for.
I still just use the free version, and they still have a lot of good workout options (from yoga to booty focused to HIIT). And, they label each workout by the amount of time, equipment necessary, and skill level (beginner, intermediate, challenging); which makes it easy to choose one.
3. Dance Body
I tried this dance cardio class once in NYC, you can read about my experience here. They have a live platform, and they’re currently giving users 50% off with the code: DBATHOME. Or, if you’re a new user, you can get your first week free. Dancing around your apartment might just be the thing you need to lift your spirits during this somewhat disheartening time. In fact, in quarantine units in China, they found that dancing helped lift patients spirits and keep them active.
4. Yoga with Adriene
Adriene makes my absolute favorite yoga videos of all time. I honestly prefer her videos to practicing in person most of the time. While her videos probably won’t have you drowning in a pool of sweat, many of them will certainly get your heart racing and your abs burning a bit, all while calming you down at the same time (hopefully).
If you’re new to yoga, I think Adrienne is great at going over all modification options and explaining positions you may not be familiar with. She also has specific videos dedicated to mastering a single pose, if you’re trying to get your yoga basics down.
If you check out her YouTube channel, she has a bunch of playlists based on what you’re looking for (Yoga for Weight Loss, Bedtime Yoga, etc.). She also recently added a playlist of “yoga for uncertain times” which includes a “yoga for loneliness” video.
5. ClassPass Videos
Ever since I moved to LA, I’ve been a huge fan of Classpass, and I wasn’t informed until recently that they also have free video workouts as part of your membership. If you’re also a Classpass member, you should definitely check these out (although I have yet to). At a quick glance it doesn’t look like there are a ton, but I have a feeling they’ll be adding more soon—especially because all classes are suspended for the moment.
Or, to be honest, if you’re a regular at any studio near you, chances are they’re offering some kind of virtual workout option on their own, so you may want to look into that.
6. Other YouTube Videos
I’m not a big YouTuber, and if you’re not either, let me just tell you that you’d be amazed what you can find on there. There are so many free videos for literally anything—from a quick ab routine to a great stretching sequence. If you’re on a budget and have time to browse (and let’s be honest, you probably do these days), you might want to check YouTube out and just search for whatever you’re looking to do.
I hope you find at least one no equipment workout you can do at home from the list—and a few more you can at least try!
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